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Donations Made in Honor of

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The ASHP Foundation frequently receives donations made In Honor Of individuals. The following list recognizes these special donations, those who remain in our thoughts, and the contributors who made those. Please note that the list below includes donors of gifts received in calendar year 2024.


Adelyne, Audrey, Avery, Austin Armitstead Marianne Ivey
John A. Armitstead Marjorie A. Phillips
Robert David Anderson (Andy) Henri Manasse
Edward L. Pickett Janet A. Silvester
 Author Team #PharmGradWishlist Leadership Team
Eric Michael Tichy Elizabeth Hirsch
 Robin Burriss Barb and Ken Phelps
 Anonymous Pamela K. Phelps
Diane B. Ginsburg Steve Rubloff
Alex and Divya Varkey Michele Weizer Kelly M. Smith
Eric Hola Wellstar MCG Health Pharmacy Residency Class of 2023-2024
Lynnae M. Mahaney Marjorie Phillips
Mark Woods
Leigh Milburn

Support the ASHP Foundation

The ASHP Foundation provides exceptional programs that support research, prepare pharmacists to become leaders on interdisciplinary teams and recognize excellence in pharmacy practice.  We can’t do it without you. Invest to advance pharmacy practice. Invest in better patient outcomes.

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