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Lifetime Giving Societies 

Recognizing Our Most Generous Supporters

Our four Lifetime Giving Societies, Diamond, Emerald, Sapphire, and Pearl, are the ASHP Foundation’s most prestigious donor recognitions. These societies recognize specific levels of donations on a lifetime basis, to honor the commitment, involvement, and cumulative giving of our most generous supporters. The ASHP Foundation is grateful for the support of our most committed donors and we celebrate them through our lifetime giving societies.



  $100,000 or more  
Stephen J. Allen David D. Almquist Carla B. Frye Marianne F. Ivey
John N. Kapoor K. Don Lindsay Randall A. Lipps Henri R. Manasse
Nelly A. Nigro George L. Phillips Marvin Samson Lawrence A. Trissel
Sara J. White



   $50,000 - $99,999  
Paul W. Abramowitz Daniel J. Cobaugh Richard J. Kruzynski Mary Jo Reilly
Jack T. Tighe David J. Warner William A. Zellmer David A. Zilz


   $25,000 - $49,999  
Toby Clark Kevin J. Colgan
Debra S. Devereaux Sharon Murphy Enright
Rebecca S. Finley Gloria N. Francke Dallas J. Howe John E. Murphy
Joseph A. Oddis Bruce E. Scott Thomas S. Thielke Linda Tyler
Julie Webb George S. Zorich


   $10,000 - $24,999  
Emily Alexander Roger W. Anderson Daniel M. Ashby
Minnie Baylor-Henry
Cynthia Brennan
Malcolm J. Broussard Susan A. Cantrell Jannet M. Carmichael
Harold Chappelear Deanna M. Dimmitt Joseph T. DiPiro David J. Edwards
Ronald P. Evens Michael S. Flagstad Christopher Fortier Lisa M. Gersema
Diane B. Ginsburg Harold N. Godwin Elizabeth Hartnett Mike Heath
Stephen K. Hetey Rita K. Jew Thomas J. Johnson Christene M. Jolowsky
James A. Jorgenson Stan S. Kent Charles M. King John G. Kringel
Carl D. Lyons Michael J. Magee Lynnae M. Mahaney Dean Manke
James C. McAllister Kristina McGill Janet L. Mighty Marie Newman
Natasha C. Nicol Barbara B. Nussbaum Kathy S. Pawlicki Myrna J. Petersen
Marjorie A. Phillips Pamela A. Ploetz Steven M. Riddle Bruce D. Roffe
Steven A. Rubloff Douglas J. Scheckelhoff Kathryn R. Schultz Steven L. Sheaffer
Janet A. Silvester Jamie Sue Sinclair Douglas R. Smith Kelly Smith
Donna L. Soflin Dominic A. Solimando David D. Stevens Rodney L. Stiltner
Richard Talley Janet L. Teeters Kasey K. Thompson Dwight R. Tousignaut
David R. Witmer Billy W. Woodward